Frequently asked questions that we love to answer
Why should I go Organic?
On average, Woman are applying 168 different chemicals on their bodies everyday. It only takes your skin 26 seconds to absorb what you are putting on it, directly entering your blood stream. Several of the chemicals are linked to skin irritation, hormone imbalance, inflammation and even cancer. Pale Blossoms Organics Beauty Store has many alternatives to your daily skin care routine.
Won’t buying Organic and Vegan skincare cost to much?
No. If you walk into any department store and buy the brand name products, you are going to spend about the same, maybe even less by purchasing from Pale Blossoms Organics.
My skin care is Natural, isn’t it the same?
NO. Most skin care that is marketed as “Natural” still has harmful preservatives and emulsifiers. Check the back label. If it has words that you can’t pronounce pitch it and switch over to Organic today. Pale Blossoms Organic Beauty Store never uses harmful preservatives or emulsifiers, Ever.
What is Arnica and why is it used in your products?
Arnica comes from the Arnica Montana flower. It has been used for centuries as a healing method. Arnica is one of the most powerful anit-inflammatory herbs around. It is used in several countries, including the United States for scrapes, cuts, bruises, black eyes, inflammatory pain, and sprains. We use it at Pale Blossoms in our Aches and Pains balm to help ease the pain from minor arthritis and sore muscles. We also use it in our facial care products for its renowned Restorative and antibacterial properties. It is used in the Rejuvenate line because it helps to restore and renew the skin.
Are your products Pregnancy Safe?
Most of our products are safe during pregnancy! The ingredients that Pregnant woman should avoid that we use is Roman Chamomile and Wintergreen. Roman Chamomile is in our Nature’s Harmony Facial Cream and in the Rejuvenate Your Face butter. We also carry 2 products that have Wintergreen. The Aches and Pains Roller and Balm.
Which products are good for sensitive skin?
We offer many products that are sensitive skin specific. The Activated Charcoal Cleanser is a soap free cleanser. Harsh soaps can actually irritate the skin, so we have left it out. Its still cleans and disinfects very well. This is also a great cleanser for Acne. The Facial Cream is also created for sensitive skin. Green tea leaf extract and Roman Chamomile work together to help calm the skin. The Astringent has oatstraw extract and Calendula, both skin calming ingredients. All three of these items come in a set, the 3 step system